
Our General Sales Conditions

1/ Booking conditions

1.1/ General information

The prices include all of the reserved services which are in the contract, except the local holiday tax, and any further supplements booked and provided on site, which will be payable direct to the service provider.

The client should be insured against rental risks, theft, fire, water damage, either through an extension to main residence insurance or with special holiday insurance.

In general, the accommodation services start on the first day at 5pm and go through until the last indicated day up to 10am in the morning. If this is not so, then arrival and departure times should be clearly indicated on the final voucher.

1.2/ Payment
If the booking is made more than 30 days before your holiday starts, you have to pay The Booking Centre:
•    a deposit of 30% of the total cost of the reserved services
•    Fees (€11 for accommodation and €5 for some prestations)
•    you will have the possibility to take a cancellation – interruption insurance.

If the payment is made less than 30 days before the start of your holiday, you should pay us the full amount of the booking.

Booking fees and insurance premium are not refundable.

1.3/ Your arrival

On reception of the balance, The Booking Centre will send you a voucher on which is noted the details of the services booked as well as arrival details. This voucher should be given to the accommodation provider on arrival.

For all arrivals after the indicated time or outside of the hours of opening, please advise the accommodation provider directly, by using the telephone number on the voucher.

Your dossier can be viewed 24h/24h.

2/ Cancellation conditions

All reservation cancellation should be confirmed by letter, fax or email to The Booking Centre.
In addition, all modifications to bookings should be asked by letter, fax or email as well.

You have to keep the Booking Centre informed of any change about the persons coming for the stay (name, age….). If you don’t give us right information, the cancellations conditions below won’t be applicable.
The Booking Centre offers for every booking an optional cancellation – interruption insurance for your holiday. It costs 3.5 % of the total amount of the accommodation (excluding local holiday tax). This permits the full reimbursement of the accommodation cost paid, so long as the reason for cancellation is included in the list of guarantees defined in the insurance policy ( see paragraph 3/).

If you do not want the cancellation – interruption insurance for your holiday, we thank you to notice it in the present contract. Without any information from you, we will consider that you want to subscribe at the cancellation – interruption insurance for your holiday. Once your payment is done, no change would be possible regarding the subscription or not at the cancellation – interruption insurance for your holiday.

If your insurance contract has been contracted before 2023, Apr. 25th :
Cancellation charges without insurance are as follows:

Cancellation + 30 days before the holiday starts = 30% of the total will be kept by the Reservation Centre.
Cancellation between 29 and 15 days before the holiday starts = 50% of the total amount kept.
Cancellation between 14 and 8 days before the holiday starts = 75% of the total amount kept.
Cancellation between 7 days and the day of arrival = 100% of the total amount kept.

Cancellation charges with insurance are as follows:

Cancellation + 30 days before the holiday starts = 30% of the total will be kept by the Reservation Centre
Cancellation between 29 days and the day of arrival = 100% of the total amount kept.

If your insurance contract has been contracted after 2023, Apr. 25th :
Cancellation charges with and without insurance are as follows:

Cancellation + 30 days before the holiday starts = 30% of the total will be kept by the Reservation Centre.
Cancellation between 29 and 15 days before the holiday starts = 50% of the total amount kept.
Cancellation between 14 and 8 days before the holiday starts = 75% of the total amount kept.
Cancellation between 7 days and the day of arrival = 100% of the total amount kept.

Please note that all modifications leading to a change of accommodation from a smaller apartment to a bigger, or any changes in dates, will be considered as a cancellation of the initial order to which the above cancellation charges will be applicable. Your request has to be made per post mail, email or fax.
Be careful, in case of modification or cancellation of complementary services, you must send us an email, a mail or a fax and you first have to pay the total amount and you will be reimbursed after.
The complementary services, other than the accommodation, the shuttle services and the ski wear rental, will be reimbursed completely by The Booking Centre, if they have been cancelled before the beginning of their valid period, except for the ESF ski lessons, for which cancellation fees of 20€ will be deducted. For the shuttle services and the ski wear rental, the cancellation fees will be the same as the accommodation fees (see above).
All interruption to a holiday due to a personal reason will not attract any repayment from the Reservation Centre.

On the rare occasion that The Booking Centre has to modify or cancel a reserved service, the Reservation Centre promises to offer a replacement service which will be offered in writing, and which you must accept or refuse within 24 hours. If you accept the new proposition, you will receive a new contract.
Please note that if a reply has not been received within the specified time, the new proposition will be considered as accepted.
In case of litigation, the rules laid out in article 101 of Décret N°94-490 dated 15th June 1994 concerning client compensation due to cancellation or modification to the service.

3/ Holiday cancellation or interruption insurance
CONTRACT N°1029345

Insurance is proposed for accomodation only.

Cost: 3.5% of the total accommodation cost

Each participant in the stay has to be mentionned by email to Les Menuires Réservation latest 48h after the subsription of the insurance policy.
If not, the insurance company could refuse to refund your booking in case of cancellation.

Definition: The insured is the guest of the stay, his or her spouse or concubine, their relatives in the ascending or descending lines, sons in law, daughters in law, brothers,, sisters or persons mentioned or designated.
The insured person must inform The Booking Centre by recorded delivery letter at the latest 5 days after knowing it won’t be possible for him to come.
The insured must send to Les Menuires’ reservation the written proof for the cancellation (medical certificates …) and a proof from the accommodation provider of the interruption of stay.

The insured accepts that the insurance doctor have access to his medical file.

This document is a resume of the general conditions of the contract 1029345, it is not a contract. You can receive a copy of the general contract conditions by asking at the Reservation Centre.

Coverage of sums already paid and sums not yet paid by the tenant under the rental contract (excluding insurance, administrative costs and miscellaneous expenses) in the event of cancellation of the stay due to one of the following events:
  • Insurance
  • Insurance2
  • Insurance3

4/ Complaints

All complaints concerning a holiday must be addressed to The Booking Centre by registered letter.

However, if there is litigation due to the fault of the accommodation provider, the accommodation not conform to its description, the Reservation Centre can, in no way, be held responsible. The Booking Centre, acting as your intermediary, will do everything it can to find a solution through repair and compensation.
No services disputed after the valid starting date can be reimbursed or counter partied by The Booking Centre.


5/ Privacy and personal data protection

The information requested in respect of your reservation (contact details, dates, holiday destination, etc.) are necessary for our company to process your reservation request.
The information gathered is processed electronically for the purposes of managing your reservation.
The party responsible for processing your personal data is Les Menuires / SMB Réservation - reservation@lesmenuires.com.

Purpose of processing

The legal basis for gathering and processing your personal data is founded on the technical and legal demands of customer and potential customer administration as described in the CNIL’s (French Data Protection Agency) simplified standard no. 48. The purposes are the following: accounting and in particular management of client accounts and tracking of the relationship, processing of operations relating to client administration, prospecting operations (management of standardisation prospecting technical operations, enrichment and deduplication of data). Your data may be used for commercial communication or non-commercial electronic communication, by e-mail or SMS, on behalf of Les Menuires / SMB Réservation or of its subcontractors and regarding products and services similar to those that you have purchased or to which you have subscribed.

Data gathered

The data gathered and processed are the following
•    The identity: status, surname, first names, address, telephone number (landline and/or mobile), fax number, e-mail addresses, date of birth, internal processing code enabling the client to be identified
•    The data relating to the means of payment: postal or banking identity details, cheque number, bank card number, end of validity of the bank card;
•    The data relating to the transaction such as the transaction number, the details of the purchase, of the subscription, of the product or of the service subscribed to;
•    The family, economic and financial situation: number and age of the child(ren) at home,  presence of pets;
•    The data relating to the payment of invoices: payment conditions, discounts granted, receipts, balances and unpaid invoices
•    The data relating to the contributions of persons who submit opinions on products, services or content, including their pseudonym.

Recipients of the data

 The recipients of your personal data are our own administration teams, our technical service providers and our partner the Tourism Office of les Menuires (Immeuble Belledonne | 1269 avenue de La Croisette 73440 Les Belleville - grc@lesmenuires.com); The Tourism Office of les Menuires, in its capacity as subcontractor, coordinates the client relationship by e-mail for non-commercial purposes on behalf of Les Menuires / SMB Réservation. This may involve the sending of the newsletter from the station and any non-commercial information useful for the preparation of the stay, during or following the stay.
In this context, the Les Menuires and Saint-Martin-de-Belleville Tourist Office is in charge of sending non-commercial communications for the purpose of facilitating  customer relations by email in the name and on behalf of our body (news, resort events, practical information relating to the stay experience) and for the purpose of informing the customer in the context of his purchase. In accordance with the applicable legal provisions, you have the option of opting out of receiving these messages when entering into commercial relations or by clicking on the unsubscribe link that features in the footer of each message sent.

Retention period

•    Personal data relating to the clients is held for a period of five years from the end of the commercial relationship. This period takes into account the holiday cycle observed regarding tourist numbers, which is three years.
•    Data that makes it possible to establish proof of a right or a contract or that is stored in accordance with a legal obligation may be stored over a longer period and be archived in accordance with the provisions in force (particularly those laid down by the French Commercial Code, the French Civil Code or the French Consumer Code).
•    Personal data relating to a potential customer may be held for a period of three years from when it is gathered by the data controller or from the most recent contact made by the potential customer (such as a request for documentation)

Right of access, right to object

•    By virtue of the provisions of articles 38, 39 and 40 of the French Act of January 1978 and of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have a right of access, rectification and objection (for legitimate reasons) to the gathering and processing of your personal data.
•    This right of access may be exercised by post, enclosing a copy of your photographic identification, to the following address: Les Menuires Réservation – Immeuble L’Adret – 73440 Les Belleville or by e-mail request by writing to: dpocentrale@lesmenuires.com.
•   Under certain circumstances, refusal to provide the necessary information may result in it becoming impossible to register you as a client, to execute the sale or service contract and thus cause the client to renounce it.
In accordance with the applicable legal provisions, you have the option of consenting or objecting to receiving this type of communication when your personal data is gathered and via all appropriate media (bookings, contracts, signing up, online forms, etc.).
•    Your data may be used by our partner and subcontractor the Tourism Office of les Menuires, (Immeuble Belledonne | 1269 avenue de La Croisette 73440 Les Belleville grc@lesmenuires.com ) for the purpose detailed above. In accordance with the applicable legal provisions, you may object to the communication of your data or to receiving these messages when you enter into a relationship.